Christmas Lights

For a brief few years, Leominster was able to host a selection of big names to come and turn on our Christmas Lights.

Although we didn’t rig the actual Christmas lights themselves, Blue State were called upon to provide outdoor lighting to the stars themselves on the staging that was erected – ensuring that the large crowds that these events would draw could all get a clear view of the actual switch-on.

We’re not quite sure how these events were funded or who should take the credit, but they did appeal to a huge audience – most of whom would make a day of it, shopping in the town before congregating to see the lights turned on. And, of course, there were the keen fans who turned up hours before to ensure a good view and be first in the queue for autographs and photographs.

BlueState were incredibly proud to be part of this while it lasted – it brought a terrific sense of excitement to the town for Christmas and can only have provided huge economic benefit for Leominster traders.

Use the dropdown menu to see more details of the years when we were involved.